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Cat Breeds: More Than You Might Expect

 by zack on 18 Sep 2012 |

It’s easy to forget how many specific types of cat there are. With the rising popularity of dog shows, and better exposure for canines in general, the fact of cat speciation has all but escaped public notice. The truth is that there are over 40 different recognized cat breeds. Each of these has its own traits and temperament. Some are small and furry, others large and hairless. You’ve got friendly attention seekers, and the lovably aloof. Whatever your preference may be there is a cat out there that comes prequalified to fit your specific companionship needs. Let’s have a look at some of the most popular kinds of cats.

American Shorthair Ensnarement

Arguably the most common of all cats, the terminology is often used to refer to alley cats everywhere. However, the American shorthair is a breed all its own despite being lumped in with the all too frequent mixed breeds. These American shorthairs are cuddly little balls of joy, known for being especially family friendly. This cat breed is a wonderful family pet. It makes a great companion for dogs and children alike. They are very affectionate, healthy, and quite beautiful. These precotious little purr-bags will have you oohing and aahing over every little misadventure they undertake. As an added bonus, these excellent hunters are very likely to keep your house pest free as well.
Much ado about Maine Coons

Siamese Dreams


Purring Persians

Finally the most popular cat breed in America: the Persian. These little longhaired lions hold sway as the top cat among pet enthusiasts and common cat owners alike. Persians have consistently been the most popular cat in America as far back as the 1800's when they were first introduced. This cat breed does exceedingly well in an apartment lifestyle due to its calm and unexcited demeanor. They are truly the kings and queens of the castle. They prefer a sedentary and unexciting lifestyle where everything revolves around their own majestic selves. They are viewed as the most loyal and among the friendliest breeds of cat in existence. They require due diligence around children, but are still exceptionally heads and tails above the competition in terms of human compatibility.



renee - Comment
renee06 Feb 2013Reply
i view them like that too,i know almost every breed of dog,not soo good with cats, im a puppy/dog person. I never had a dog before but im gunna be a vet soon. i got to work on my cats lol. Right now im too young to be a vet but im gunna work at the nashville humane association just to get started, i have a full grown guinea pig and his name is romeo, i know my guinea pig breeds too :)


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