
Maine Coon
My female calico has been my best friend for over 12 years! She is a beautiy, with green eyes lined with white! Her face is split down the middle with color!!!
She is Quite the Princess!!!
A few years ago a black cat showed up with a huge lump on his neck!!! I nursed him back to health. He talks constantly. He acts like a dog; comes when I call, runs up the driveway to greet me after work, would sleep on top of me, if I let him. A friend came to visit and exclaimed,
"You have a Bombay!! He is a Bombay!!"
So I googled him!! Sure enough, the pictures could have been him!!!
Loyal, affectionate, charming, eager to okay- yet independent!!
My only problem is that they do not get along!!! My Calico is soo
Jealous and possessive!! He adores her and wants to be 關閉 to her. She growls, hisses, snaps at him, blocks him from the food,
I tell her that he lives here now!! He is your Brother! But, she's NOT going for it!!! Any suggestions?!
So I reintroduced them...this time, putting my boy in a wire crate for a week, to introduce him to her, slowly and safely. By the end of the week, they were fast friends and playmates.
Another thing you can do is "play therapy." Play with your girl with a fishing rod string toy. Put the boy away in a separate room...then let your girl have a good long play session. Run her good about 3-4 passes (as many as she's interested in). Then, when she's exhausted, bring the boy in and let him chase the toy. (Or, ideally, have two humans do the play therapy, so both cats can play at the same time, far enough away to have space to run freely, but 關閉 enough so they can see each other while they're each having a great time.)
If the girl wants to chase the toy in the midst of the boy's session, let her take a turn. Cats tend to show great respect for each others' space and taking turns. End the session with high-value treats for each cat. Mine have loved Whiskas Temptations and/or Pill Pockets broken in half.
Also, if you're free-feeding, stop doing that and only feed the cats twice a day, for 30 minutes. Then lift the bowls. Then, when you feed them, put the food in bowls on opposite sides of the room, where kitties can eat freely without being bothered, but where they can see the other one. Over a period of weeks, gradually move the bowls 關閉r together. If your girl balks at being too 關閉, move the bowls back to a safer distance and sloooowwwwly and gradually, over a period of weeks, again, start to move them 關閉r together, a little bit each day, until they can eat happily side-by-side.
These exercises will help your girl to associate the boy with positive things, like happiness when she plays with the fishing rod string toy (which increases a cat's confidence, by the way) or the satisfaction and happiness of eating a yummy treat or a yummy meal.
Good luck!!!
He loved to visit neighbors who had babies, kittens, or puppies, and disappeared for an hour every morning because he was out visiting. He came in when I called him, unless he didn't hear me because he was actually inside someone's home to visit their little ones. I don't know what breed he was, but all his brothers and sisters were bicolors with similar markings.
In just a few short months, I adore this baby girl.
andy p. who was found wandering in the woods on a very cold dec. day, had been declawed and dumped.
I wanted to adopt an older cat, found this guy at the local shelter, and brought him home.
he walks with a harness, crazy about running water, wades in the tub, converses with me, and is my friend.
he is always formally dressed, chews his own rear tonails and is loved by all our neighbors.
made the page a day calendar cat for oct. '14.
get a tuxie, you'll love him/her.