
這是真的,老實說,喬恩·斯諾(Jon Snow)你不能僅僅通過用棉絨包裹你心愛的寵物來阻止跳蚤和蝨子……就是外套。哦,勇敢、英俊、愚蠢的瓊恩·雪諾。
對 Jon 和我們其他人來說幸運的是,領先的治療Advantage隨時可用。它可用於 7 週或以上的狗、8 週或以上的貓,以及兔子和雪貂。它對懷孕和哺乳的動物也是安全的。如果您的寵物正在服藥、是否已經使用其他殺蟲劑,或者您的寵物體重過輕、年老或虛弱,請務必與您的獸醫交談。
Advantage 作為一種麻痺劑,可以迅速殺死成年跳蚤和幼蟲(而不是卵),從而打破我們寵物最討厭的敵人的生命週期。
一旦使用,跳蚤和蝨子的神經系統就會受到攻擊。它們在接觸 Advantage 幾分鐘後就會癱瘓並死亡——它們甚至不必咬你的寵物就會受到影響。跳蚤會在塗抹後五分鐘內停止咬人,並在接觸後 20 分鐘內死亡。 Advantage在施用後 12 小時內殺死 98-100% 的現有跳蚤,並將消滅寵物周圍 99% 的跳蚤幼蟲。
Advantage 易於使用,並在一個月內保持有效。它甚至是防水的,因此在沐浴、游泳、大水坑或滾泥(你知道你是誰!)或那些喜歡潮濕天氣、追逐風暴的寵物後仍然可以使用。
它通過外套塗抹在狗或貓的皮膚上,並擴散到整個皮膚的油性層。有一系列可用的劑量取決於您的寵物的體重。確保為您的寵物購買正確的劑量,並準確遵循所有指示。給您的寵物稱重或讓您的獸醫給它們稱重 - 不要簡單地猜測並應用您認為正確的劑量。
Advantage是一種外部治療,不得進入寵物的眼睛或嘴巴。對於小型和中型犬,它被放置在肩胛骨之間的背部無法舔到的地方,而對於頭骨底部的貓來說。對於體重超過 25 公斤的大型犬,劑量分配在肩胛骨之間、臀部之間的背部和中間的另一點。
輕微的皮膚刺激在應用部位很常見,特別是如果這是您的寵物第一次接受治療。可能會出現頭髮僵硬或潮濕、發癢、發紅或粉紅色的皮膚,但這些都是暫時的副作用。偶爾也會出現脫髮。這通常是一次性的,頭髮會在 1-2 週內重新長出來。如果脫髮擴散或不再長出,請諮詢您的獸醫。
- 食慾不振、口渴增加、嘔吐、腹瀉或流口水 -請記住按照指示使用 Advantage,遠離寵物的嘴巴。該產品有苦味,應該阻止舔和攝入。如果攝入足夠多,可能會導致胃部不適和食慾不振。嘔吐、腹瀉、流涎過多、流口水和口渴增加表明攝入過多或不良反應。
- 瞳孔擴張、眼睛刺激或淚液分泌增加
- 呼吸困難、共濟失調(運動問題)、跌跌撞撞、顫抖或癲癇發作
- 睡眠異常、嗜睡或無反應
- 奇怪的行為、抑鬱或多動
如前所述,當按照說明應用Advantage時,嚴重反應被認為是非常罕見的。作為額外的預防措施,最好觀察並分開處理過的動物 30-60 分鐘,以確保它們不會舔自己或其他動物的應用部位。否則, Advantage是一種非常簡單有效的治療方法,可確保您心愛的寵物不會因為跳蚤和蝨子而成為高層生活。
There are holistic versions made of essential oils we have instead. We will never use these toxic medicines in our dogs ever again. Lesson learned.
But I've got 3 acres in the country, and I woke up, walked to the kitchen, and my feet were covered in blood from all the ticks he brought in the house the night before, WITH treatment. He has gotten ehrlichia once, already. I had to try it.
If he has seizures and dies tonight, it will be far more humane than what he has gone through over the past four years with nonstop irritation and organ damage from ineffectual medicines and diseases brought by vermin. I would welcome it as an end to his suffering. But it isn't gonna happen.
Because I also know the public. Especially pet owners. They will crap their own pants and try to shove it in the mouths of anyone who disputes a word of their testimony because ThEy kNoW WhAt'S bEsT fOr ThEiR BaBiEs. They let them eat the polyester filling from a toy and then blame the stomach discomfort on a brand of food the vet recommended.
Every pet owner is a Karen. Ignore the bad reviews.
They are indoor cats 24/7 but a neighbour in my apartment building allows her indoor/outdoor cat to wander the halls. He sits outside my door daily. I'm at a crossroad. I've tried all natural means and nothing has worked. The manager of the building doesn't care about this matter.
So, if anyone knows of something else that's harmless except to the fleas please inform me.
Anything from Hartz is an absolute no! I'm surprised that they're still still selling their flea collars. As for Bayer, the makers of Advantage, well that's another whole ball of evil.
(If this comment is erased, please know that's its entirety has been screenshot and will post this site, photos, etc., via all forms of media).
Why is this garbage on the market. DO NOT SUBJECT UR FUR BABY TO THIS!!!!
I'm very thankful for this site, Petbucket for allow me to express my feelings of anger towards this product.
I get frustrated and write from the top of my head. I should self edit, yes.
Called the company and was given a case # "in case the vet wants to know the active ingredients " He is miserable, we bathed him in Dawn dish soap then gave him 50mg of Benadryl also but Rx burn cream on the spots and had to put a shirt on him to make him stop scratching the burn spots. I am completely shocked at what this has done to him. There is no recourse if I take him to the Vet it's all on me....Ya I am not happy to say the least. Not sure what else to give him to calm him down and stop the itching.
Luckily he seems to be okay in himself but I can't see anything about this online.
Rather bizzare.
I used this on my 9 year old Jack Russell on Thursday night when I woke up Friday morning he throat was so swollen he has burns on his skin. Hives all over his back and the rest of his skin red raw. I was petrified.
My 8 year old Jack Russell has sores on his skin too and not eaten his dinner since.
I’m so sorry to read all these stories.
I will never ever use it again!
I'm a very lucky owner of 14 beautiful kitties and need to get them all de-fleed and this has been a wake up call for us
I'm lost in what to do after seeing your very sad comments..I hope you're all well and tickity boo and all your kitties and dogs
I'm glad I found this site