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Heartgard Plus 驅蟲治療的副作用

 by simone on 13 May 2014 |



蠕蟲也可以傳染給人類,因此您必須制定有效的驅蟲護理計劃。需要定期進行感染防護。幸運的是Heartgard Plus是一種每月一次、易於管理、非常安全且經過驗證的蠕蟲控制治療。它可以防止蠕蟲發展到危險的成年階段,並且適用於兩隻狗和貓。 

很有可能每隻小狗或狗都接觸過蠕蟲。幼犬需要每兩週驅蟲一次,直到 12 周大,哺乳期的雌性也應該接受治療。超過 12 周大的狗需要在餘生中經常接受治療。 

Heartgard Plus 針對不同體重的動物提供不同劑量。它是一種可咀嚼且美味可口的平板電腦(或者我觀察到的)。該劑量旨在咀嚼,而不是整個吞服,因此您可以隨時將其分解並在需要時將其添加到寵物的食物中。您需要確保您的寵物吃完全部劑量,因此在給藥期間和之後的短時間內觀察它們。




成蟲存在於腸道中,可長 2-3 毫米寬,最長可達 20 厘米。蛔蟲會導致腹瀉和嘔吐、體重減輕、生長不良、大腹便便和嗜睡。如果不及時治療或在嚴重的情況下,可能會發生肺炎和腸道或消化系統阻塞。






幼犬應在至少 12 周大時開始預防心絲蟲。 





與任何藥物一樣,可能會產生令人不快的副作用,並且可能會對某些寵物產生個體敏感性。然而,測試表明Heartgard Plus在正確使用時是安全且耐受性良好的,消化和神經系統副作用的發生率非常低。 

Heartgard Plus 使用伊維菌素,導致寄生蟲癱瘓和死亡。 Heartgard中所含的伊維菌素劑量相對較低,副作用風險很小。如前所述,在檢查寵物是否存在心絲蟲之前不要開始驅蟲程序,這一點至關重要。 


  • 消化問題Heartgard Plus 最常見的副作用是消化問題,如噁心、嘔吐和腹瀉。在臨床現場試驗中,僅 1.1% 的病例在給藥後 24 小時內出現嘔吐或腹瀉。
  • 流口水
  • 抑鬱和嗜睡。 一些寵物出現抑鬱、嗜睡、食慾不振和對活動失去興趣。
  • 缺乏協調(共濟失調)、定向障礙和後腿麻痺
  • 可能發生絆倒、撞到牆壁和家具或癱瘓。
  • 瞳孔散大(瞳孔散大)或失明
  • 哭泣,激動
  • 低體溫和低體溫
  • 癲癇發作和肌肉震顫癲癇發作、震顫和抽搐非常罕見,這可能意味著您的寵物有特殊的敏感性、劑量過高或心絲蟲已經存在。

一些犬種的多藥耐藥基因 (MDR1) 發生突變,使它們在非常高的劑量水平(比推薦水平高 16 倍)下對伊維菌素更敏感。在試驗中,狗在Heartgard推薦劑量的 10 倍時未觀察到不良反應。

眾所周知,這種基因突變最常見於牧羊犬、澳大利亞牧羊犬、Shelties 和長毛惠比特犬等品種。用於預防心絲蟲的伊維菌素水平通常是安全的,並且適合這些狗的低水平。你可以和你的獸醫談談測試你的狗的基因突變。

當遵循劑量和治療說明時, Heartgard Plus是一種安全有效的驅蟲護理計劃。它被批准用於年僅 6 週的動物以及懷孕或哺乳期的貓和狗。管理藥物就像每個月給你的寵物咀嚼一樣簡單。包裝還帶有日曆,因此您永遠不會忘記自己在做什麼。安心從未如此簡單。


Melody - Comment
Melody20 Jan 2018Reply
Our dog was positive on his heartworm test but they gave him prednisone an muscle relaxers plus heartguard....we thought he was dying lastnight because all he did was lay there eyes were dialated and he would cough and had this mucous and foam type drooling....we thought he would die during night for sure but today he is getting up some an nodrool.....happening.....he reallying scared us???????????????
Katy - Comment
Katy20 Jan 2018Reply
I am not an expert but I am a breeder. I have lost a breeding dog with HeartGard before, and my other dogs have had serious side effects, vomiting every day, and constantly being tired and depressed. It took about a week for them to heal. I did some research and it is because they're pesticides that some dogs can't handle. Most dogs can handle it with only minor side effects, but others have very serious side effects, and, in some cases, death. I have even had some clients who told me they lost their dog to this medecine. (HeartGard) The best solution is to avoid HeartGard and other pesticide medicines. Always go for the organic and natural ones!
Hope your dog(s) feels better soon!
Amanda Dalton  - Comment
Amanda Dalton 20 Jan 2018Reply
Thank you, I'm currently in the vet with a very sick baby 2 days after heartgaurd they keep telling me it couldn't be the heartgaurd. But she is having bloody stool so bad she needs IV and throwing up
Sheree' Welch - Comment
Sheree' Welch03 Apr 2018Reply
My dog Molly was treated for heartworms in July last year & was heartworm free at her 6 month check up. As suggested, I've continued to give her heartguard monthly. However, for the past 2 minths, I've noticed her coughing the day after it's given & the cough lasts a day or two. Suggestions?
Steve - Comment
Steve03 Apr 2018Reply
My dog has the same issues. Everytime we give him heartgard plus he coughs for the next several days.
Shirley - Comment
Shirley21 Apr 2018Reply
Might gave my 8 year old dog heartguard plus this morning. Tonight her back legs are not working. Is there anything I can do for her right now and will this pass
Marcy - Comment
Marcy21 Apr 2018Reply
Did your dog get better? I gave two of my dogs ther Heartguard Plus last night. One is perfectly fine the other is having trouble with her back legs. She doesn’t seem to be in any pain and she will get up to go to go outside however she struggles with getting her back legs to walk.
Natalie Wood - Comment
Natalie Wood13 Sep 2018Reply
My dogs hind legs are having problems too. How are yalls dogs now?
Jody - Comment
Jody13 Sep 2018Reply
Did your dogs leg issues get better? I gave all 4 of mine Heartguard Sunday and Tuesday one of my dogs started having back leg pain. She still seems like it’s bothering her.
Jody Creighton  - Comment
Jody Creighton 28 Oct 2018Reply
I gave my Lab/Basset her Heartguard dose Sunday and since the following Tuesday her back left leg has hurt her. I’ve been researching hip dysphasia symptoms and joint pain in senior dogs but thought I’d check to see if MAYBE any other dogs had leg pain after their heart worm meds and found this thread. Did your dogs leg issues clear up?
Troy - Comment
Troy06 Feb 2019Reply
I have a 2 year old shepherd we adopted. They agency said she was Heartworm free. We did a Heartworm test after we had her and we had been giving heart heart guard( I have a lab too which has been on Heartgard no issue) she was diagnosed last year with micro flare and we started the slow kill treatment with heart guard plus. Last year she had a spell we’re she just payed down and like she passed out. We rushed her to dr and they gave her a Benadryl and she was fine in about and hour. This was during the slow kill treatment. We had her tested last year after the slow kill and test showed Heartworm free. She had another spell 3 weeks ago and it was worse. I picked her up and carried her to Dr and she just payed there with trashy clinches. He ran blood work ( liver enzymes a little escalated) and exrays and everything was normal. He felt she had a seizure. He told us to bring her back (today) and he tested her again and liver was fine. He did test for Heartworm again and now she is back micro flare positive, not sure how we should proceed?
Sharon - Comment
Sharon01 Apr 2019Reply
My mixed breed adopted pup, 16 months old, had an issue back in the early winter with her hind legs to the point she ended up on steroids. During the rest of the winter I was a slacker when it came to giving the Heartgard Plus and her leg pain had resolved. I restarted the med on Saturday and Saturday evening she was limping so badly I had to help her into the bed. (She acted like her knee was painful). By Sunday morning she was barely limping, but even today the limp is still noticeable. I'm starting to wonder if there is a correlation.
Sharon  - Comment
Sharon 01 Apr 2019Reply
I gave My mixed breed adopted pup, 16 months old, had an issue back in the early winter with her hind legs to the point she ended up on steroids. During the rest of the winter I was a slacker when it came to giving the Heartgard Plus and her leg pain had resolved. I restarted the med on Saturday and Saturday evening she was limping so badly I had to help her into the bed. (She acted like her knee was painful). By Sunday morning she was barely limping, but even today the limp is still noticeable. I'm starting to wonder if there is a correlation.
Carla - Comment
Carla13 Apr 2020Reply
My German Shepherd has the Heartgard injection on Thursday, by Saturday night he could use his back legs. Still unable to stand this morning (Sun). Will it get better? How long dies it take?
Nicole - Comment
Nicole11 Sep 2020Reply
I gave my dog heart guard..I thought it was something else then again and same thing shaking leg pain ..I think it's the heart guard cause see the comments..how long does it last
Arlene - Comment
Arlene03 Jan 2021Reply
I gave my 8 week old puppy 1st dose of heartguard and had seizures the same day. I saw that convulsions can be a side effect. Brought her to the vet and liver enzymes were ok but still having seizure 1-2 x a day. Gave the medicine Dec 15. Vet said it’s just a coincidence because the med is safe for puppies. I’m worried. Help!
Lyss - Comment
Lyss03 Jan 2021Reply
Do 8 week old puppies need heartgard? I thought they get dewormed at a very early age.
Angela Cote - Comment
Angela Cote28 Jan 2021Reply
I’ve given my dog Heartgard for over 4 years without issue but this month she has an episode where she lost control over her limbs and she was scared! She couldn’t walk and was trembling! A couple hours later she was totally fine. I can’t help but wonder if it was the Heartgard?
Pat Wester - Comment
Pat Wester18 Feb 2021Reply
My miniature schnauzer started having trembling in his back legs about a year ago. In June, 2020 he had an episode of stumbling and loosing control of his hind legs. I've had him to the vet and we've gone through a ton of tests including a consult with a neurologist and nothing. His last episode was in Nov. I have always taken him off Heartgard and Frontline during the cold months. It's been 14 weeks since he had an episode of problems in his back legs. I started researching the effects of Heartgard and Frontline and have become concerned that these drugs are the cause of his problems. He's 12 1/2 yrs. old. I'm not going to put him back on either of those drugs.
Richard Coughlin  - Comment
Richard Coughlin 06 Jun 2021Reply
Gave my lab heart guard plus ever since it’s had digest promblems
Terry - Comment
Terry06 Jun 2021Reply
Did your dog get better with appetite and how long did it take?
Kristi Burton  - Comment
Kristi Burton 29 Jun 2021Reply
3 outta my 4 dogs that have been giving heartgard had episodes of vomiting and diarrhea 2 to 3 days after each dosage. Living in Louisiana it is hard not to give preventative even though my dogs are inside dogs. But it has been 5 days since I gave another dose and now my french bulldog is having leg tremors and is very lethargic. I usually have healthy, happy dogs unless it is the mosquito time of the year. Everyone might as well spray the yard with pesticides instead of giving it as a treat, What is the difference? Heart worms will kill a dog but we need a better preventative solution. I DONT WANT MY DOG TO SUFFER from a medication or a parasite. I know this is why my dogs are acting this way because there is no other explanation. I gave my 2 boys imodium for 2 days and the diarrhea finally stopped, but had to use the adult pill the children's imodium did nothing. As for my girl, she is resting because I gave her a pain pill. Only thing I can do is wait for this stuff get out of their system and don't give it again. Off to the vet in the morning. Good luck everyone.
Mon - Comment
Mon29 Jun 2021Reply
Our coonhound is allergic to one of the ingredients in heartguard and had terrible diarrhea after each dose. We've switched to interceptor and no more issues. Doesn't taste as good, but a little peanut butter does the trick.
Jasont1981@yahoo.com  - Comment
Same exact thing is happening with my pomeranian. Such a happy dog until I gave him heartgard. I'm suing. Contact me. (Email removed. We can not publish email addresses.)
Kristi Burton  - Comment
Kristi Burton 08 Jul 2021Reply
thank you, we will try that.
Al Bendorf - Comment
Al Bendorf30 Jul 2021Reply
Gave my chiweenie Heartgard, had bruising, platelet count went down to 8K. After discontinuing, platelets back up to 200K. Dangerous medication!!
Barb - Comment
Barb02 Jul 2022Reply
My lab is on heart guard plus year round. Does she need to be dewormed also
sinan - Comment
sinan02 Jul 2022Reply
Yes, you need a dewormer like Drontal for intestinal worms.
Robin - Comment
Robin12 Sep 2022Reply
My golden retriever is so tried after taking heartgard plus. How long will this last?
He is 8


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