
2. 狂犬病
3. 上呼吸道感染
上呼吸道感染 (URI) 通常會導致喉炎,會導致聲音嘶啞。除了聲音嘶啞,如果您的貓流鼻涕、流淚、打噴嚏、食慾不振、嗜睡或眼睛或鼻子流出黃色或綠色分泌物,請帶它們去看獸醫,以便開具抗生素等藥物。
4. Hyperthyroidism
6. 增長
喉嚨,特別是聲帶上可能會出現生長物,導致良性腫瘤或息肉 - 但有時會導致喉癌。伴隨聲音嘶啞的症狀包括:聲音改變、打噴嚏、咳嗽和持續性耳部感染。如果您懷疑您的貓正在發育,請帶它們去看獸醫,以便進行診斷(通常通過活檢)。
2. 狂犬病
3. 上呼吸道感染
上呼吸道感染 (URI) 通常會導致喉炎,會導致聲音嘶啞。除了聲音嘶啞,如果您的貓流鼻涕、流淚、打噴嚏、食慾不振、嗜睡或眼睛或鼻子流出黃色或綠色分泌物,請帶它們去看獸醫,以便開具抗生素等藥物。
6. 增長
喉嚨,特別是聲帶上可能會出現生長物,導致良性腫瘤或息肉 - 但有時會導致喉癌。伴隨聲音嘶啞的症狀包括:聲音改變、打噴嚏、咳嗽和持續性耳部感染。如果您懷疑您的貓正在發育,請帶它們去看獸醫,以便進行診斷(通常通過活檢)。
However he has lost his meow, He still purrs and can make sounds but the are strained. He got it back an now it has gone again. I have a few theories but not any that I can put any store by. He eats well and is very happy and playful. He, like all cats, has a very individual personality and he is displaying all of his usual quirks. This is reassuring as i don't think that he is in pain or anything. I had him checked recently by our vet and he had a clean bill of health. Maybe it is a waiting game. Like me, he is not as young as he used to be, so maybe it just takes time. I will continue to monitor his well being. Waiting for something to click. An earlier comment on this thread gave me some reassurance that I was not alone.
I'm worried and will get him to the vet right away. I was hoping to find some shimmer of hope here but it seems going to the vet really is the best option.
Good luck to all the kitties and those who love them who need it.
向所有貓咪監護人 XXX 致以最良好的祝愿
It has been very helpful for me.
Everytime he is trying to meow as if there is something stuck and having difficulty breathing
I don't know if it's stress or this infection. I know that doesn't help yet but is your cat eating and drinking?
If your cat suddenly loses his voice and it doesn’t return after a few months, be concerned, no matter how healthy he appears to be otherwise.
I now wonder if her voice change was the beginning of all of this. I agree with you, if your cat's voice changes don't leave it, keep pushing the vet for answers.
Cats are creatures of habit. Even the slightest change can cause them stress. Moving the furniture around and having visitors can cause stress. You bring a kitten home your cat is stressed.You bring a kitten home carrying the virus or your cat was exposed as a kitten but the virus has been lying dormant with the added stress is a recipe to make your cat ill. Sometimes if they got it as kittens they have a better immunity to it when they are adults or if they were Vaccinated against it they may only have mild symptoms such as a sore throat and/or hoarse voice. The herpes vaccination does not prevent them from catching it but can, key word CAN not will reduce severity of symptoms.
For the ones whos cats voices become hoarse, raspy or they lost it after you brought a kitten or cat home the answer is yes that is likely the reason due to stress and feline herpes virus. If your cat goes outdoors they can be exposed to other cats with the herpes virus or a deadly virus. Feline Vaccinations don't protect 100%. Keep your cats inside. Feline Herpes Virus and Calcivirus is akin to the human cold or flu. It is not deadly unless your cat is immune compromised due to feline leukemia or other disease. Vaccinating a strictly indoor cat for a non deadly virus that can't even be caught unless exposed to a cat with the virus puts posion in their bodies unnecessarily which can cause health problems down the road as well.