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Seresto 跳蚤項圈如何工作?

 by eugene on 20 Feb 2019 |
Seresto 跳蚤和壁蝨項圈可為寵物提供長達八個月的跳蚤和壁蝨預防,使其成為最方便的治療方法之一。

隨著市場上大量跳蚤和蜱蟲的治療,許多寵物主人轉向最方便和最具成本效益的藥物來對抗蟲害。這就是為什麼Seresto 項圈已成為成千上萬消費者的防蟲首選解決方案。這種革命性的跳蚤和蜱蟲治療可提供長達八個月的保護,使其免受害蟲叮咬,保護狗和貓免受疾病侵害,讓主人安心。

Manufactured by time-honored veterinary science company Bayer, 零蚤蝨頸圈 contains two active ingredients that fight fleas and ticks. An insecticide proven to be highly toxic to biting insects, Imidacloprid fights fleas at both their larval and adult stages. It is found in hundreds of other pet, garden and home products and works by binding to receptors that block pathways in the nervous system of fleas and ticks. Because it is much more effective on insects’ nerve cells than mammals’, Imidacloprid has been proven to be safe for use on dogs and cats. Seresto's other active ingredient, 氟蟲腈, also attacks the nervous system of parasites, fighting fleas in their nymph, larval and adult stages. This pesticide is found in low doses in the collar and does not pose a risk to pets or to the people around them. In fact, field trials found only a small percentage of dogs and cats faced minor side effects, such as irritation, hair loss, scratching and hair discoloration around the area of the collar.
得益於 Seresto 的革命性設計,吡蟲啉和氟蟲菊酯可以共同對抗跳蚤和蜱蟲長達八個月。活性成分包含在聚合物基質中,可將藥物從項圈中心緩慢釋放到其表面。 Seresto 幾乎在與動物的皮毛和皮膚接觸後立即開始工作,在那裡它形成了一層薄薄的保護層,可以抵禦跳蚤和蜱蟲。這種無味且不油膩的防護罩可防止寄生蟲附著在您的寵物身上,它們會引起過敏反應並傳播疾病。而且,由於 Seresto 的持續釋放可確保穩定、低劑量的藥物,您的寵物將從每個項圈獲得長達八個月的安全保護。

Seresto 具有防水功能,可為在水中花費大量時間並定期洗澡的寵物提供有效的治療。該項圈被認為可安全用於 7 週或以上的狗、10 週或以上的貓,並且有多種劑量可供不同大小的狗使用。 Seresto 甚至被發現對咀嚼項圈的寵物是安全的,因此您可以放心,您的伴侶正在獲得最好和最持久的跳蚤和蜱蟲保護。


Janet - Comment
Janet13 May 2020Reply
Once removed, how long does it remain active in the pet’s system?
DByron - Comment
DByron13 May 2020Reply
I would like to know this as well.
chesney - Comment
chesney13 May 2020Reply
The Seresto collar releases a low dose off its active ingredient to kill of fleas and ticks and prevent re-infestation for up to 8 months.
Rj - Comment
Rj13 May 2020Reply
Yes how long?
Magi B - Comment
Magi B18 Jun 2021Reply
After using this product for years on both my dogs, it is now offering no protection for my remaining dog. She has been plagued by ticks in the last 8-10 weeks and I have replaced a 3 m old collar again with a new one, 3 weeks ago and have still found numerous ticks attached to her poor little body. Any suggestions?
Cathy - Comment
Cathy24 Jun 2022Reply
Do the ticks need to be attached to the animal and take a blood meal in order to ingest the Seresto ingredientes that will kill it?


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