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貓用 Bravecto 安全嗎?

 by ben on 22 May 2019 |
Bravecto 是一種長效局部治療劑,可提供 12 週的跳蚤和蜱蟲的保護。


現場試驗發現,一劑Bravecto可在8小時內殺死100%的跳蚤,並在12週內與98%的跳蚤繼續作戰。 Bravecto還能殺死和控制四種species科,使您的貓免受萊姆病和落基山斑熱等有害疾病的侵害。其快速有效的配方得益於其有效成分Fluralaner,它是一種殺蟲劑和殺蟎劑,可攻擊跳蚤和壁蝨的神經系統。在應用Bravecto局部治療後數小時內,藥物就會到達貓皮膚下方的組織液中,並在叮咬時攻擊寄生蟲。但是,由於Fluralaner在無脊椎動物上的作用與在哺乳動物上的作用不同,因此Bravecto強大的配方可安全地用於貓。

Fluralaner的工作方式是破壞無脊椎動物體內的兩個主要係統。第一個通道稱為GABA門控(γ-氨基丁酸)通道,在鎮定神經傳遞中發揮作用,並在體內產生總體鬆弛作用。 Fluralaner會擾亂該過程,引起神經信號波,從而增加癲癇發作活動並在跳蚤和壁蝨中產生致命影響。同時,Fluralaner破壞了谷氨酸門控通道,這有助於神經向其他細胞發送信號。 Fluralaner開闢了這些渠道以增加傳播,增強癲癇發作活動,並增強Bravecto在對抗跳蚤和壁蝨中的功效。
臨床試驗發現, Bravecto不會對貓造成嚴重的不良反應。最常見的副作用包括嘔吐,腹瀉,脫髮,食慾下降,嗜睡和結sc,所有這些症狀與貓的神經系統無關。但是,如果您的貓有神經系統疾病史或曾經被診斷患有癲癇病,則應在使用Bravecto之前與您的獸醫交談。

Bravecto 尚未在繁殖貓、懷孕貓或哺乳貓身上進行測試。經證實,其長效外用配方可有效緩解長達12 週的跳蚤和蜱蟲侵害,因此,請與您的獸醫討論改用貓用Bravecto,以快速殺死跳蚤和蜱蟲,並持久緩解害蟲叮咬。


Barbara Ralyea - Comment
Barbara Ralyea03 Apr 2020Reply
I want to protect my cat not cause it any harm or pain.
sam jhon  - Comment
sam jhon 06 Jan 2021Reply
We use Bravecto for working collies, a lurcher and for the now deceased springer and we now live in an area with a very large tick population. Seems to be working well. Try Petcareclub .com

Deborah - Comment
Deborah17 Jul 2021Reply
Have been using Bravecto for the last two years, just recently I put it on my Grandcat and now she's got a bald spot on her neck. This hasn't happened before, I just wonder if it's because she just had two teeth pulled about three weeks ago?
Donna - Comment
Donna24 Feb 2022Reply
Our cat has had her second round of Bravecto, warning, I will not give her any more doses to our beloved cat. She got a bad reaction both times with lumps of varying sizes. She also was very tired for the first week after the dose was applied.
Serena - Comment
Serena16 May 2022Reply
Please do not use Bravecto on your cat or dog. I used half the recommended dose on my 27 pound Siberian cat 6 days ago, and he has had ataxia and was very lethargic for the first three days he has somewhat improved but is still walking with a bad wobble- it is heartbreaking. How can they sell these poisons call them medication?
Maria - Comment
Maria06 Jun 2022Reply
I treated both my cats with the topical Bravecto. On day 2 I noticed they weren’t eating as much and by day three they were very lethargic and unsteady on their feet. Both cats experienced symptoms and ended up at the emergency vet office, $500 . The vet said he had seen this reaction before and that it should gradually subside . I did use Dawn dish detergent to wash the residual medication off their skin and fur.When I called the 800 number for Bravecto/Merck they said Lethargy was a side effect but that usually happened within hours after application. It’s now day five and my cats are still lethargic but not as unsteady walking. Their appetite is still poor. I’ll never use this product again.
Amu - Comment
Amu06 Jun 2022Reply
Hi Maria, I'm so sorry that happened to your cats. My vet prescribed this to my cat and I'm a little scared to use it. How are your cats doing now? What symptoms did they experience?


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