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Simparica 是如何工作的?

 by ben on 13 Aug 2019 |



像其他口腔跳蚤和壁蝨治療一樣,Simparicafor狗在攝取後立即進入寵物的血液中起作用。當跳蚤或tick蟲叮咬時,它會暴露於食品與藥物管理局(FDA)批准的活性成分sarolaner中,該活性成分會迅速攻擊並殺死寄生蟲。在短短三個小時內,辛帕里卡(Simparica)有效地開始殺死跳蚤,並在8小時後開始殺死tick,包括孤星tick,黑腳tick,棕狗tick,美洲狗tick和墨西哥灣沿岸tick。 Simparica還被證明可有效緩解和預防耳蟎和man蟎。持久的配方可在長達35天的時間內持續控制寄生蟲,使寄生蟲及其所攜帶的疾病得到持續緩解。

Simparica的強大成分sarolaner是一種殺蟲劑和殺蟎劑,會影響無脊椎動物的神經細胞功能。它通過改變γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)和谷氨酸受體來發揮作用,它們均在神經傳遞中起作用。 GAGA門控通道有助於抑制神經傳遞,而sarolaner破壞神經傳遞,從而在跳蚤和壁蝨中產生大量的傳遞。同時,該化合物打開谷氨酸門控通道,促進神經傳遞氾濫。由此引起的癲癇發作對跳蚤和壁蝨具有致命性,但由於鼠尾草對無脊椎動物比哺乳動物更有效,因此在野外試驗中發現Simparica對狗是安全的。

儘管很少見到不良反應,但在為期三個月的田間試驗中,最常見的副作用包括嘔吐,食慾下降,虛弱,嗜睡和大便軟化。儘管大多數反應與Fido的消化系統有關,但在少數幾個孤立的案例中,狗表現出更嚴重的副作用,例如震顫,肌肉抽搐和癲癇發作。 Simparica僅可通過處方獲得,因此在討論針對寵物的最佳跳蚤和壁蝨治療時,請務必與您的獸醫討論癲癇病的任何病史。



Alam - Comment
Alam30 Apr 2021Reply
In a study, Simparica killed more brown dog ticks than NexGard. visit to know more: short.gy/kZlPAY
Wendy - Comment
Wendy16 May 2022Reply
Are ticks still suppost to bite your dog . I still got to pull the ticks off mine.
K3anu - Comment
K3anu16 May 2022Reply
Yes, the medication is absorbed from the gut to circulate in the blood. That is how it then kills the ticks/fleas after they bite and ingest blood from your dog. So the ticks will still bite but they die after. If they don't just fall off, you might still see them on your dog but most likely they are dead. The main thing is that they don't get the chance to reproduce or cause further damage to your dog.
Joyce Ross  - Comment
Joyce Ross 17 Apr 2023Reply
Can my dog carry ticks on their fur to me? He is treated with simparica trio. He spends a lot of time outside and we have a real tick problem where I live
Elizabeth - Comment
Elizabeth17 Apr 2023Reply
Yes. My dogs have been on this for years despite never having seen a tick on them. After a ridiculously warm winter I’ve found many ticks on their fur when they come inside.
Cindy - Comment
Cindy27 Apr 2023Reply
If the tick has to bite the dog in order to be killed, how can simparica prevent tick-borne diseases, which are transmitted via tick bites?
Melissa  - Comment
Melissa 01 Sep 2023Reply
Does this product prevent heartworm
chesney - Comment
chesney01 Sep 2023Reply
Simparica does not prevent heartworm, Simparica is a preventative for Flea and Tick
Bill Tillchock - Comment
Bill Tillchock27 Jun 2024Reply
I am using Simparica Trio on my Staffy Terrier. Should I not be alarmed that I am finding the remains of dead ticks on his body? I see bumps on his body which appear to have been insect bites, the remains of the insect itself. Is this evidence that Simparica is doing its job correctly? I am a new pet owner parent.


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