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 by michelle on 21 Mar 2017 |
If you're a dog lover, you've most likely watched several videos of military members reuniting with their dogs after months or years of being separated. You've also most likely cried while watching these videos. But did you ever wonder who takes care of the dog while their owner is away? Of course many military members have family and friends willing to take their dog in, but what about the ones who don't? 
Husband and wife, Shawn and Alisa Joshnson found themselves in a very simliar situation. A dual-military family, who serve in the US Navy and Us Marine Corps, were both ordered to relocate at the same time. Alisa was to attend six months of military training in Virginia while Shawn was to be deployed, meaning neither would be able to care for their Miniature Australian Shepherd JD. Luckily, they had family to rely on, but recognized that not everyone else does. 
Shawn 和 Alisa Johnson 以及他們的兩隻迷你澳大利亞牧羊犬 JD 和 Jersey,以及他們的兩隻凱克鸚鵡 KIki 和 Zozo。 
2011 年 6 月,Shawn 和 Alisa 創立了 Dogs on Deployment,該組織認為任何寵物,無論是狗、貓、鳥等,都不應因為軍事承諾而被交出。因此,Dogs on Deployment 提供了一個在線志願者網絡,這些志願者願意在軍人服役期間寄宿他們的寵物。一旦軍人在網站上註冊,他們就可以列出他們的寵物並填寫一份個人資料,其中包括關於他們的寵物、位置和登機日期的所有信息。同樣,任何想自願成為部署寄宿犬的人都可以註冊並創建個人資料。從那裡,業主和寄宿生可以相互聯繫並製定細節。 

Dogs on Deployment 官方標誌
確實,Dogs on Deployment 是一個很棒的組織,它讓許多軍人的生活壓力減輕了一點。現在,該組織面臨的最大挑戰是宣傳。如果您或您認識的人需要 Dogs on Deployment 之類的服務,您可以在此處將他們引導至他們的站點。否則,如果您正在尋找一種方式來支持我們的部隊,請考慮作為寄宿生志願服務。對於所有參與其中的人來說,這一定是一次有益的經歷。 
士兵 Jessamyn Jempson 在通過 Dogs on Deployment 成功將她寄宿後,在 Queen Latifah 節目中與她的狗重聚。在此處觀看完整視頻。

特別感謝 Shawn 和 Alisa Johnson,感謝他們的服兵役和創建 Dogs on Deployment。 
來自 dogsondeployment.org 的所有圖片



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