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Pet Bucket Blog


 by lucy on 28 Jun 2018 |
Cats are famously fussy when it comes to food. But keeping her healthy often means avoiding some foods she loves.

Cats may be picky eaters, but that doesn’t mean they always know what foods are best for them. While any fare not specifically designed for felines can wreak havoc on your pet’s stomach, there are a few foods in particular that you should avoid feeding your cat:
  1. Tuna: Tuna may be one of your feline’s favorite treats and it’s OK— but only in small doses. A steady diet of tuna prepared for humans can lead to a malnourished cat as it doesn’t contain all of the nutrients your pet needs. Tuna is also a mercury-rich food and when consumed in large enough doses, can cause mercury poisoning in both you and your feline friend.
  1. Milk and other dairy products: Another feline favorite, milk can actually wreak havoc on your pet’s digestive tract. That’s because many adult cats are lactose-intolerant, leaving them with stomach issues such as diarrhea if they consume milk or other dairy products.
  1. 脂肪飾物和骨骼 :貓喜歡這些表屑,但煮熟和未煮熟的脂肪和骨頭都可能對您的寵物不利。脂肪會導致嘔吐,腹瀉或腸胃不適,而骨骼會碎裂,導致Kitty的消化道流淚。
  1. 葡萄和葡萄乾 :葡萄,葡萄乾和其他類似的食物,如葡萄乾可能會導致貓和狗的腎衰竭。即使少量可能會使您的寵物生病,因此請注意嘔吐或過度活動,以此作為早期症狀,如果您的貓食用任何這些禁用食品,可能需要立即進行醫療治療。
  1. 洋蔥,大蒜和韭菜 :洋蔥和相關根部含有一種稱為N-丙基二硫化物的物質,可能會對貓的紅血球造成嚴重破壞。在足夠大的劑量下,這可能會導致您的貓科動物朋友發生貧血。
  1. 巧克力 :雖然巧克力是人類的美味佳餚,但這種甜點包含一種叫做可可鹼的刺激。巧克力越黑,這種苦味化學品的濃度就越高,這可能會引起貓的心臟問題,肌肉震顫和癲癇發作。巧克力也含有咖啡因,對我們的貓科動物朋友來說是另一種不可去的。
  1. 酒精 :這很多人看起來似乎毫不費力,但啤酒,葡萄酒,酒甚至含酒精的食物對我們的寵物都不利。酒精對貓的肝臟和大腦有著與人類相同的不利影響,但即使是兩茶匙也足以殺死貓或使他昏迷。



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