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Pet Bucket Blog

How to handle your high-energy dog

 by ben on 13 May 2019 |
Having a high-energy dog can detract from the time spent with your pet, but more often than not, our companions’ excess energy is due to a lack of stimulation.

While some dogs are happy lazing on the couch all day, many breeds were designed as working animals. It’s no wonder, then, that so many pet owners experience problems with high-energy dogs. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to ensure Fido gets the mental, physical and social stimulation he needs to stay cool and collected. Here are a few tips for handling your high-energy pet:

1. 參與遊戲:這似乎很簡單,但是與寵物每天進行的體力活動相比,許多主人沒有考慮狗的運動需求。如果您的狗不能坐著不動,則可能他需要花費更多的時間來燃燒跑步和玩耍的能量。參加諸如抓取或拔河這樣的遊戲,以幫助您的狗在家裡保持鎮定,同時積極地與您的寵物進行一些他最喜歡的活動。

2. 鍛煉大腦:許多狗都是作為工作動物飼養的,因此給您的寵物一個任務,不僅可以鍛煉他的身體和大腦,還可以增強他的自信心。鼻子工作會教狗嗅出一種特殊的氣味,讓它們完成一項任務,使它們在精神和身體上都保持活躍,但是即使練習簡單的技巧也可以使您的寵物參與其中,並帶來一個更平靜的伴侶。要進行更激烈的身心鍛煉,請嘗試一些有競爭性的運動,例如潛水,放牧,田間試驗和敏捷性訓練。所有這些都將有助於加強您與寵物的聯繫。

3. 教好禮貌:精力充沛的狗往往會跳上主人,過度吠叫,這會減少與您的寵物在一起的時間。教狗養成好習慣是另一種訓練形式,它會在教他衝動控制時吸引他的思想。下次當您帶上他的皮帶散步,裝滿食物碗或扔掉他最喜歡的玩具時,請您的狗首先坐下。一旦他平靜地坐著,立即用想要的物品獎勵他。很快,您的寵物就會知道,良好的舉止和冷靜的行為是獲得他想要的東西的最佳方法。
4. 散步:消磨精力充沛的寵物的最簡單方法之一就是確保他每天進行大量鍛煉。精力旺盛的品種可能會試圖追趕其他動物,因此請將Fido綁在皮帶上,並在可能的情況下在安靜的地方行走。狗是快速奔跑的動物,因此請始終將您的同伴拴在皮帶上,以防止事故或丟失您的寵物。

With a few lifestyle modifications, you can help ensure your spirited companion is getting the stimulation he needs to be happy, healthy and calm. If you’ve tried these techniques or if your dog undergoes a rapid change in behavior, however, his excessive energy may be due to an underlying medical condition and you should seek your veterinarian’s advice.



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