Four Unexpected Flea Diseases You Need to Know

Four Unexpected Flea Diseases You Need to Know
Fleas are simple to disregard. Fleas don't seem to be as dangerous as ticks, which are notorious for transmitting Lyme disease to both dogs and humans. The tiny bloodsuckers are typically viewed by us and our pets as a nuisance rather than a major threat to anyone's health.
But both humans and animals can contract a startling array of diseases from fleas. Through their bites and when they are consumed by the animals they prey upon (such as during self-grooming), fleas can seriously impair both you and your pet's health.
Murine Typhus
Although cats that come into contact with infected fleas can bring these disease vectors home, rats are the primary host for the flea species that transmits murine typhus. The Texas Department of State Health Services claims that typhus is typically spread to people through flea bites. The bugs typically urinate at the same time they bite.
Rickettsia typhi, a type of bacteria that can be found in feces, can enter the body through a bite wound or by being scratched in the bite location.
The symptoms of typhus include headache, fever, nausea, and body aches. You can get a rash that starts on your body's trunk and extends to your arms and legs five or six days after the first symptoms. The Texas Department of State Health Services advises seeking medical attention right away if you suspect you have murine typhus. Antibiotics can be used to treat the condition, but if you wait too long, you might need to be hospitalized. The illness could last for several months if untreated.
Murine typhus cases are prevalent in hot, muggy places with big rat populations. According to Chris Van Deusen, press representative for the Texas Department of State Health Services, 324 cases—including one death—were reported to the state's health authorities in 2015. Since 2012, Texas has seen at least one death from murine typhus each year.
Since the symptoms are rather widespread, waiting to seek treatment may result in poorer outcomes, according to Van Deusen. More severe cases are "related with other illnesses, such as diabetes, kidney disease, and a history of alcohol addiction."
14 murine typhus instances, all without fatalities, have been reported to the California Department of Public Health so far this year from four counties, according to a department spokeswoman. The state typically sees 50 instances each year, mostly in the Orange and Los Angeles county suburbs.
Murine typhus is unusual elsewhere.
Dr. Lee Herold, chief medical officer for the DoveLewis Emergency Animal Hospital in Portland, Oregon, claims that it is "virtually nonexistent" in the Pacific Northwest.
Mycoplasma haemofelis
貓可因蜱蟲、蚊子和跳蚤叮咬而感染寄生細菌病血貓支原體 (M. haemofelis)。根據 Herold 的說法,M. haemofelis 是一种红細胞感染,可使貓發燒和貧血。此外,有一些證據表明嗜血支原體可以感染人類,尤其是免疫系統較弱的人。作為機會均等的食客,跳蚤可以感染您和您的寵物,將寄生蟲傳播給你們雙方。
來自受感染貓的紅細胞附著在血性分枝桿菌上,這會導致免疫系統識別並標記它們以將其清除。根據 Herold 的說法,貧血通常是由大量被破壞的紅細胞引起的。
根據 Herold 的說法,一些貓需要類固醇藥物來阻止它們的免疫系統攻擊它們自己的紅細胞。恢復可能需要四到六週。
絛蟲是最可怕的寄生蟲之一,生活在人類、狗和貓的腸道中。當動物為自己或其他動物梳理毛髮時,它們可能會吞下受感染的成年跳蚤,這會導致寵物感染絛蟲。根據 Herold 的說法,貓可以通過食用受污染的老鼠來感染這種疾病。
根據疾病控制和預防中心的說法,兒童可能會因無意中攝入受感染的跳蚤而感染這種疾病,他們可能在戶外玩耍時遇到這種情況,儘管這種情況在成人中相對罕見 (CDC)。節片,或絛蟲的片段,由兒童和動物排泄。
這個病很有意思。引起貓抓熱的細菌漢賽巴爾通體 (B. henselae) 在貓科動物中相當典型。 CDC 估計,大約 40% 的貓,尤其是小貓,可能會在其生命中的某個時刻感染這種疾病。
大多數貓從不生病,那些生病的貓通常會發燒兩到三天才能完全康復。因此,即使您的貓看起來健康狀況良好,它也可能會讓您感到不適。據 Herold 說,即使貓沒有任何症狀,貓抓熱也會侵襲人們。
去年,俄亥俄州托萊多的珍妮絲·沃爾特斯 (Janese Walters) 一天早上醒來,發現自己的一隻眼睛失明了,許多媒體網站都報導了這一非同尋常的情況。經過一個月的測試,醫生們無法確定失明的原因——直到這名婦女向他們展示了她的貓。當他們能夠將感染與 B. henselae 細菌聯繫起來時,他們得出了貓抓病的診斷,而她的貓舔了她的眼睛這一事實導致她的一隻眼睛失去了視力。
正確的跳蚤控制方法可以保護您、您的寵物和您的家人,同時還能提高寵物的生活質量。根據 Herold 的說法,儘管市場上有許多值得信賴和安全的解決方案,但選擇最佳療法取決於您的狗和您的生活方式。
Herold 在她的狗身上使用了一種點滴跳蚤溶液,她指出許多寵物父母選擇使用外用產品來防止跳蚤接觸他們的動物。但一些寵物主人可能會發現很難使用需要每月使用的解決方案。
Herold 表示,沒有一種方法適用於所有人。 “根據您的家庭情況,您的獸醫可能會提出建議。”
同時養貓狗的家庭必須採取額外的預防措施,以防止藥物混合。根據 Herold 的說法,含有氯菊酯的狗用產品可能對貓有毒。
Herold 指出,消滅寵物身上的跳蚤只是一個開始。
美國獸醫協會 (AVMA) 指出,單獨治療您的寵物並不能解決跳蚤問題,因為它們一生的大部分時間都在您的寵物身上度過。
當在您家中繁殖的跳蚤成熟並附著在您的寵物身上時,感染可能會捲土重來。 AVMA 建議仔細清潔寵物的睡眠區,並對寵物經常使用的家具和地板進行吸塵。根據 AVMA 的說法,清潔和吸塵這些地方將有助於在發育的各個階段擺脫和殺死跳蚤。
根據 Herold 的說法,“如果你可以反復從地毯上清除雞蛋,接下來你必須移除真空袋……它必須離開你的家。”
根據 Herold 的說法,大多數策略都需要時間。 “跳蚤不會一天就消失的,就算你炸了你家,裡面還是有跳蚤的。
Fleas are simple to disregard. Fleas don't seem to be as dangerous as ticks, which are notorious for transmitting Lyme disease to both dogs and humans. The tiny bloodsuckers are typically viewed by us and our pets as a nuisance rather than a major threat to anyone's health.
But both humans and animals can contract a startling array of diseases from fleas. Through their bites and when they are consumed by the animals they prey upon (such as during self-grooming), fleas can seriously impair both you and your pet's health.
Murine Typhus
Although cats that come into contact with infected fleas can bring these disease vectors home, rats are the primary host for the flea species that transmits murine typhus. The Texas Department of State Health Services claims that typhus is typically spread to people through flea bites. The bugs typically urinate at the same time they bite.
Rickettsia typhi, a type of bacteria that can be found in feces, can enter the body through a bite wound or by being scratched in the bite location.
The symptoms of typhus include headache, fever, nausea, and body aches. You can get a rash that starts on your body's trunk and extends to your arms and legs five or six days after the first symptoms. The Texas Department of State Health Services advises seeking medical attention right away if you suspect you have murine typhus. Antibiotics can be used to treat the condition, but if you wait too long, you might need to be hospitalized. The illness could last for several months if untreated.
Murine typhus cases are prevalent in hot, muggy places with big rat populations. According to Chris Van Deusen, press representative for the Texas Department of State Health Services, 324 cases—including one death—were reported to the state's health authorities in 2015. Since 2012, Texas has seen at least one death from murine typhus each year.
Since the symptoms are rather widespread, waiting to seek treatment may result in poorer outcomes, according to Van Deusen. More severe cases are "related with other illnesses, such as diabetes, kidney disease, and a history of alcohol addiction."
14 murine typhus instances, all without fatalities, have been reported to the California Department of Public Health so far this year from four counties, according to a department spokeswoman. The state typically sees 50 instances each year, mostly in the Orange and Los Angeles county suburbs.
Murine typhus is unusual elsewhere.
Dr. Lee Herold, chief medical officer for the DoveLewis Emergency Animal Hospital in Portland, Oregon, claims that it is "virtually nonexistent" in the Pacific Northwest.
Mycoplasma haemofelis
貓可因蜱蟲、蚊子和跳蚤叮咬而感染寄生細菌病血貓支原體 (M. haemofelis)。根據 Herold 的說法,M. haemofelis 是一种红細胞感染,可使貓發燒和貧血。此外,有一些證據表明嗜血支原體可以感染人類,尤其是免疫系統較弱的人。作為機會均等的食客,跳蚤可以感染您和您的寵物,將寄生蟲傳播給你們雙方。
來自受感染貓的紅細胞附著在血性分枝桿菌上,這會導致免疫系統識別並標記它們以將其清除。根據 Herold 的說法,貧血通常是由大量被破壞的紅細胞引起的。
根據 Herold 的說法,一些貓需要類固醇藥物來阻止它們的免疫系統攻擊它們自己的紅細胞。恢復可能需要四到六週。
絛蟲是最可怕的寄生蟲之一,生活在人類、狗和貓的腸道中。當動物為自己或其他動物梳理毛髮時,它們可能會吞下受感染的成年跳蚤,這會導致寵物感染絛蟲。根據 Herold 的說法,貓可以通過食用受污染的老鼠來感染這種疾病。
根據疾病控制和預防中心的說法,兒童可能會因無意中攝入受感染的跳蚤而感染這種疾病,他們可能在戶外玩耍時遇到這種情況,儘管這種情況在成人中相對罕見 (CDC)。節片,或絛蟲的片段,由兒童和動物排泄。
這個病很有意思。引起貓抓熱的細菌漢賽巴爾通體 (B. henselae) 在貓科動物中相當典型。 CDC 估計,大約 40% 的貓,尤其是小貓,可能會在其生命中的某個時刻感染這種疾病。
大多數貓從不生病,那些生病的貓通常會發燒兩到三天才能完全康復。因此,即使您的貓看起來健康狀況良好,它也可能會讓您感到不適。據 Herold 說,即使貓沒有任何症狀,貓抓熱也會侵襲人們。
去年,俄亥俄州托萊多的珍妮絲·沃爾特斯 (Janese Walters) 一天早上醒來,發現自己的一隻眼睛失明了,許多媒體網站都報導了這一非同尋常的情況。經過一個月的測試,醫生們無法確定失明的原因——直到這名婦女向他們展示了她的貓。當他們能夠將感染與 B. henselae 細菌聯繫起來時,他們得出了貓抓病的診斷,而她的貓舔了她的眼睛這一事實導致她的一隻眼睛失去了視力。
正確的跳蚤控制方法可以保護您、您的寵物和您的家人,同時還能提高寵物的生活質量。根據 Herold 的說法,儘管市場上有許多值得信賴和安全的解決方案,但選擇最佳療法取決於您的狗和您的生活方式。
Herold 在她的狗身上使用了一種點滴跳蚤溶液,她指出許多寵物父母選擇使用外用產品來防止跳蚤接觸他們的動物。但一些寵物主人可能會發現很難使用需要每月使用的解決方案。
Herold 表示,沒有一種方法適用於所有人。 “根據您的家庭情況,您的獸醫可能會提出建議。”
同時養貓狗的家庭必須採取額外的預防措施,以防止藥物混合。根據 Herold 的說法,含有氯菊酯的狗用產品可能對貓有毒。
Herold 指出,消滅寵物身上的跳蚤只是一個開始。
美國獸醫協會 (AVMA) 指出,單獨治療您的寵物並不能解決跳蚤問題,因為它們一生的大部分時間都在您的寵物身上度過。
當在您家中繁殖的跳蚤成熟並附著在您的寵物身上時,感染可能會捲土重來。 AVMA 建議仔細清潔寵物的睡眠區,並對寵物經常使用的家具和地板進行吸塵。根據 AVMA 的說法,清潔和吸塵這些地方將有助於在發育的各個階段擺脫和殺死跳蚤。
根據 Herold 的說法,“如果你可以反復從地毯上清除雞蛋,接下來你必須移除真空袋……它必須離開你的家。”
根據 Herold 的說法,大多數策略都需要時間。 “跳蚤不會一天就消失的,就算你炸了你家,裡面還是有跳蚤的。