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Trifexis vs Heartgard

將Trifexis平板電腦與Heartgard Plus Chewables進行比較


Trifexis和Heartgard Plus均可提供長達一個月的保護,防止心絲蟲的發展,以及預防鉤蟲和蛔蟲。 Trifexis具有防止鞭蟲和通過殺死成年跳蚤,卵和幼蟲來治療跳蚤感染的額外好處。

Trifexisis僅適用於至少8週齡的狗和小狗,最小重量為5磅(2.3kg).Heartgard Plus可在6週內給予狗和小狗,沒有重量限制。

與所有藥物一樣,您應該考慮這些產品是否適合您的狗的需要。 Trifexis未經過繁殖雄性的安全測試,應謹慎使用孕婦。按指示使用時,Heartgard Plus可安全用於孕婦和繁殖犬。

Top tip: Fleas and ticks can carry nasty diseases, but protecting your pet doesn’t need to be difficult. Use our comparison chart to weigh up the pros and cons of the most popular products.

  Trifexis 犬新寶
Kills Fleas yes tick -
Repels Fleas - -
Kills Flea Eggs and Larvae yes tick -
Prevents Heartworm yes tick yes tick
Prevents Roundworms yes tick yes tick
Prevents Hookworms yes tick yes tick
Prevents Whipworms yes tick -
Other Parasites    
Safe for Pregnant or Nursing Pets - yes tick
When does it starts working Kills fleas within 30 minutes; kills 100% of fleas within 4 hours Begins working Immediately
使用方式 Beef-flavored tablet Beef-flavored chewable
Active Ingredient(s) 多殺菌素, Milbemycin Oxime Ivermectin, Pyrantel Pamoate
劑量 Monthly Monthly

Trifexis vs Heartgard
